Make sure you have protein with every meal. Good protein sources for weight gain are eggs, milk, lean meats, Peanuts and Peanut Butter, cottage cheese, any lo-fat cheese (Swiss Cheese is naturally lower in fat) yogurt, Whey Powder . Go easy on the fatty meats as you want to gain weight but not by adding allot of fat to your Diet.
Red Meat
It is among
healthy protein foods. Red meat has unjustifiably acquired a bad reputation as an unhealthy food choice. This is because of its high saturated fat content. To avoid this, eat lean cuts of red meat. The meat could be beef or venison. To be on the safe side, don't gorge on red meat. Try to eat it not more than two times in a week. It is calorie dense but
has a lower biological value (70) than eggs.
Milk and Dairy Products
Milk is surpassed only by eggs as a weight gain food. It has a high biological value ranging from 80 to 90, and like white meat, is available all year round. Milk and other dairy products have a lot of saturated fats, so you should stick to low fat milk, skimmed milk and other fat-reduced diary products. The only major disadvantage of dairy products is that some people are allergic to them.
Eggs are an indisputable part of any weight gain diet. They contain complete proteins and are easy to digest. Remember that eggs are Mother Nature's way of providing new life with all it needs to grow and develop. The biological value of eggs is over 90, so the body finds it easy to build new muscles from egg protein, as would be expected. You can hard boil some eggs and carry them around as a snack. The only disadvantage is that they have a high cholesterol content. you should see your doctor before indulging indiscriminately in eggs. Or avoid the yolk, which is where the fats are concentrated, and eat just the whites.
High protein snack food
Boneless skinless chicken breasts sliced thinly, then grilled will cook in just a few minutes. (overcooking will make chicken breast dry and chewy) Adding some lo-fat cheese makes a tasty high protein snack on whole grain breads. Also you can add a little BBQ sauce or mustard, lettuce and/or tomato.