Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil health benefits have been known for hundreds of years in traditional cultures in tropical regions of the world. Many cultures have used coconuts and coconut oil not only as food, but also as a source of health and healing.

The centuries-old use of this wonder food, its scientifically proven health benefits, and the absence of negative side effects contrast with most modern drugs and industrialized foods. You can be sure of the safety of coconut as well as coconut oil's health benefits because traditional peoples across the globe have used them safely for centuries with excellent results.

Most native people living in tropical climates had beautiful hair, soft, smooth skin, and an amazing lack of the health challenges that face man today--until they adopted much of the typical modern processed food diet. The good news is you don't have to live in the tropics to enjoy and take advantage of coconut oil's health benefits.

In this section, we'll provide you with information regarding coconut oil health benefits from scientific research as well as anecdotal evidence.
For example People are losing weight by adding virgin coconut oil to their diets.
Coconut oil increases the body's metabolism and therefore causes your body to burn more energy (fat) and gives you more energy to do the things you want to do. Coconut Oil helps to weight loss.

Coconut oil is the best food source of lauric acid, second only to mother's milk! Lauric acid has many wonderful properties, among them anti-bacterial and anti-viral functions. Fats in coconut oil also enhance immune system function and help balance and normalize body lipids. Coconut oil contains health-building medium chain fatty acids.

The first step to fully reap coconut oil health benefits in your life and health is to eliminate all modern vegetable oils from your diet and replace them with virgin coconut oil. Making this change is well worth the effort, and the coconut oil health benefits you reap far outweigh any difficulties and challenges you might encounter in making this change.
Making this simple change relieves your body of the stress and damage provoked by the polyunsaturated acids found in the vegetable oils and the toxins also found in these oils because of their rancidity and the traces of solvents from processing.

There is ample evidence in the scientific literature supporting the use of coconut oil. Health benefits of the saturated fatty acids found in coconut oil are well documented. You can find good information about this at the Weston Price Foundation site. Though some of the articles there are long and somewhat complex, they are an excellent source of sound scientific facts and explanations regarding fats, oils, and their effects on our health.

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