Monday, 17 December 2012

Android 4.1 Jelly Bean Vs iOS 6 Features

The public can download Apple's new operating-system, iOS 6, starting on Sep. 19. You will find over 200 additional features for users to savor and Apple says the OS comes complete with innovation. You want to put claiming to the make sure see how iOS 6 compares against Google's newest Android operating system, Jellybean.With pricing and hardware considerations taken off the discussion, we are able to focus in around the differences in software between your two platforms, chiefly the additional features that Google's Android Jelly Bean Vs iOS 6 introduce. We'll concentrate on how each operarting system creates a tablet, which means you won't find any discussion of iOS 6's promising Passbook app here, for instance, which is only accessible on the iPhone. With this comparison, we used a Google Nexus 7 as well as an Apple iPad 2.

Apple's Maps app features visually stunning 3D flyover views of some major cities and introduces turn-by-turn navigation. The issue is the new Maps app has been affected by problems, including inaccurate directions and error-ridden satellite imagery. Making matters worse for iPad users, is Google has yet to
to produce Maps app for iOS. You have access to Google Maps via Safari or any other mobile browser, however, many features are disabled. Should you expect to make use of your tablet to get around town, at this time, the clear option is Android 4.1 jelly bean and it is Google Maps app.

What we didn’t mention, however, is an updated version of Android Beam, an NFC-based feature that makes it easy to share between Android devices in close proximity to each other. Also, Google has concocted its own voice assistant to rival Siri dubbed Google Now.iOS 6 is the upcoming major update for the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. It brings with a bunch of new and handy features. To name a few, we have Facebook integration, 3D maps, a smarter Siri, better Mail app, shared Photo Streams, Passbook etc.

Windows Phone’s social media integration has been present since day 1. It also has voice assistant and voice dictation called TellMe. And though the system admittedly needs fresh updates for their voice assistant, their social media integration deserves praise for the seamless Facebook and Twitter access. Data from your Facebook and Twitter accounts can also be accessed through messaging, photos, contacts and even calendar.

Android has always been Facebook and Twitter friendly as far as we know. Accessing and posting anything on FB and Twitter are also made simple on a Jellybean smartphone through widgets and 3rd party apps. Facebook Data is also integrated on the smartphone’s contacts. For the Jellybean, the S-Voice assistant is also more accurate and speedy through Google’s search capabilities.

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